going to the Atl.
On Thursday and Friday, Rich (my nephew, our Missional Pastor and my buddy) and I will be in Atlanta for the Engage Conference. This is a great gathering of progressive church leaders in our tribe (Church of God). I attended last year and enjoyed myself – but this year, we are going as a vendor. Let me explain…
International Orphan Support is a non-profit organization that we started to help address the needs of poor children around the world. At the Engage Conference, we will have an information booth set up to share the news about what we do, to solicit some involvement by conference attendees and to just spread some passion for helping orphans.
Millions of kids around the world do not have parents; they have no food, no access to clean water or healthcare. They sleep on the streets, they are abused in horrible ways and they have a very brief life-expectancy. While we can’t help all of these children, if we will each give a little, we can take care of some of these kids. So International Orphan Support makes it simple: just get involved – in a big way or a small way.
Tax-deductible donations may be made through our secure website. Every dime that you give will go directly to take care of children. We know these kids, we go to visit them and we take them what they need.
If you are in Atlanta next week, stop by to see us (we’ve got lots of freebies to give away). If you’re not coming to Engage, please consider a donation. Check out our website: iorphan.cc. Like our facebook page: Follow us on Twitter:
International Orphan Support: Giving Hope to Orphans Worldwide!