Good News, Bad News :: By Daymond Duck

An astute reader recently sent me his opinion about the global attitude toward Israel and the resulting global havoc on earth, and I decided to pass it on.

The reader said: As I see it…

  • The world, in majority, is taking a stand against Israel and the Jews, and it is increasing, not because of anything the Jews do or don’t do, have done or not done, but because of what Israel and the Jews represent, which is a special covenant with Almighty YHVH GOD.
  • Why? Because what is soon coming about (I believe) is very bad news for those who reject and proudly rebel against Almighty YHVH GOD…the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
  • If we are in the End Times timeline I think we are in, the cast is being set, and Islam is taking its last stand that will increasingly wreak havoc on the world, including eventually right here in the United States…
  • BOTTOM LINE: What is coming quickly is really bad news for most of the world…what is coming quickly…is very GOOD NEWS (Gospel) for us secured in Jesus, The Christ.

(More: Compass eNews puts it like this: Millions missing, billions die.).

(Note: In last week’s article, I reported that a Trump-appointed representative told the UN General Assembly the Sustainable Development Goals [climate change, wealth redistribution, ending poverty, gender equality, etc.] “advance a program of soft global governance that is inconsistent with U.S. sovereignty and adverse to the rights and interests of Americans.” I think that is the first time I have heard the term “soft global governance,” but it may fit Bible prophecy. Events may go from “soft global governance” – Ten Kings – to “hard global governance” – the devastating government of the Antichrist. World leaders may try to deceive nations with “soft global governance” before it is transformed into “hard global governance.”)

Here are some recent events that seem to indicate that this End-Times good news and global havoc are near.

One, concerning the global attitude toward Israel: on Mar. 8, 2025, Greg Denham (Senior Pastor of Rise Church in San Marcos, Cal.) asked,

  • What will it take for the world to confront the evil realities being carried out in the name of “Palestinian liberation?”
  • I still have a vivid picture of the stunningly beautiful Bibas children with their red hair – full of life and laughter.
  • Violently kidnapped from their home in Israel, they have now returned from Gaza in coffins, as forensic evidence revealed that they had been brutally murdered.
  • The blame must be laid at the feet of these demoniacs from Gaza, who are a scourge to all mankind.
  • But it does not stop there.
  • Because it also extends to the nations which chose to turn a blind eye to fact-based truth, moral clarity, and the courage to stand up to the Islamic Nazis of our time by doing the right thing.
  • Silence in the face of evil is also evil.
  • The failure to expose it and the urgency to fight against it allows innocent lives to be snuffed out by Satanic darkness and the death cult of our time.

(My Opinion: Pastor Denham’s question and answer clearly reveals the global hatred for Israel and Israel’s God, the willful self-blinding of world leaders, and the satanic wickedness of Islam. Because Israel’s God is God, and He has revealed the future, we can know that the Rapture and the Tribulation Period are near.)

Two, concerning the global attitude toward Israel and the satanic wickedness of Islam: on Mar. 10, 2025, in a letter to the U.S. Senate, several members of Israeli religious groups and members of the Israeli Knesset called upon the senators to promote a declaration in Congress to recognize the eternal and inalienable right of the Jewish people to the Temple Mount.

They told the senators the Temple Mount is the place where Israel’s Temples stood, which were destroyed by the Babylonians about 2,500 years ago and again by the Romans about 1,900 years ago.

They added:

  • Today, while the sovereign State of Israel guarantees access to holy sites for all religions, the Jewish people are denied full and free access to their holiest site due to heavy international pressure.
  • This decision is not just a symbolic gesture but a declaration of truth, a declaration of religious freedom, and the restoration of historical justice.

(My Opinion: King David bought the property where Solomon built the first Temple. Zerubbabel rebuilt the second Temple, and the Romans destroyed it. But Satan has blinded world leaders, and they refuse to accept the Bible as the Word of God. The good news is that God gave that land to the Jews forever, and the bad news is that a showdown is coming.)

Three, concerning the global attitude toward Israel and the satanic wickedness of Islam: on Mar. 16, 2025, it was reported that:

  • The Islamic government of Qatari has been giving money to Brown University.
  • Brown University has developed a curriculum that is being used by more than 8,000 schools to teach more than one million K-12 students.
  • Anti-Israel bias has been incorporated into the curriculum.

Four, concerning Hamas’ effort to destroy Israel: on Mar. 13, 2025, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a bipartisan resolution that demands the toppling of the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip and calls upon Pres. Trump to aggressively target Iran’s funding of the Hamas terrorist organization.

  • Lindsey Graham said, “With one voice, the Senate said Hamas cannot be in charge of Gaza militarily or politically ever again.”
  • Richard Blumenthal said Hamas is an anathema to the Palestinians as well as to Israel.
  • Tom Cotton called Hamas a murderous terrorist group with American and Israeli blood on their hands.

(My opinion: I don’t know where things will go from here, but God gave the land from the river to the sea to Israel.)

(More: Joel Rosenberg believes the Bible may teach that Gaza will be emptied and then returned to Israel; Zeph. 2:4-7).

(Update: On Mar. 17, 2025, the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas ended. Israel attacked several targets in Gaza. Israel’s Prime Min. Netanyahu said Israel will continue to attack Hamas with increasing military strength. Israel’s Defense Min. Katz said If Hamas does not free all of the hostages, the gates of hell will open on Gaza and the murderous Hamas rapists will encounter the IDF in a force they have not yet known.)

(Update: On Mar. 18, 2025, Israel assassinated four of the six most senior Hamas officials in Gaza. They may have assassinated all six but have not yet confirmed the death of two.)

(Update: On Mar. 18, 2025, Israeli jets opened the Gates of Hell on Hamas by striking 80 targets in ten minutes. Local health officials said more than 400 people were killed.)

Five, concerning Damascus ceasing to exist in one night at the end of the age: on Mar. 11-12, 2025, Israeli jets struck several terrorist targets in Damascus.

On Mar. 13, 2025, Israel’s Defense Min. warned the new government of Syria:

  • Wherever terrorist activity is organized against Israel, Syria will find Israeli plans circling overhead and attacking the terrorist targets.
  • We will not allow Syria to become a threat to the State of Israel.

Six, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on Mar. 14, 2025, it was reported that Poland wants the U.S. to locate nuclear weapons on Polish soil as a deterrence against Russian aggression.

Seven, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on Mar. 15, 2025, Pres. Trump ordered a series of airstrikes on Yemen and promised to use lethal force until the Houthis stop attacking ships in the waterways of the world.

Trump said,

  • To all Houthi terrorists, your time is up, and your attacks must stop, starting today. If they don’t, hell will rain down upon you like nothing you have ever seen before!
  • To Iran: Support for the Houthi terrorists must end immediately! Do not threaten the American People, their President, who has received one of the largest mandates in Presidential History, or Worldwide shipping lanes. If you do, BEWARE, because America will hold you fully accountable, and we won’t be nice about it!

(More: On Mar. 16, 2025, it was reported that US strikes against Houthi terrorists in Yemen killed fifty people, including the Houthis’ security chief, and wounded hundreds. The Houthis said they will retaliate. On Truth Social, Trump said, “Every shot fired by the Houthis will be looked upon, from this point forward, as being a shot fired from the weapons and leadership of Iran, and Iran will be held responsible and suffer the consequences, and those consequences will be dire!”)

(More: On Mar. 16, 2025, U.S. Sec. of Defense, Pete Hegseth, said, “The attacks will continue until the Houthis say, ‘We’re done shooting at ships.’”)

Eight, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on Mar. 13, 2025, Iraq and the U.S. joined forces to assassinate the number two global leader of ISIS.

He was in Iraq and considered to be one of the most dangerous terrorists in the world.

Nine, concerning possible corruption in government: on Mar. 16, 2025, Pres. Trump declared former Pres. Biden’s last-minute pardons (Dr. Fauci, the J6 Committee, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, etc.) are null and void because they were signed with an autopen.

According to Trump, it is possible that Biden didn’t even know about the pardons, and whoever used the autopen may have committed a crime.

FYI: God does not send anyone to Hell (all of us are born with a sin nature and destined to go to Hell because we sin), but God has provided a way (Jesus) for everyone to go to Heaven (and He is the only way to get there; John 14:6).

Finally, are you Rapture Ready?

If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.

[email protected]

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