GREAT RESET: World’s Largest Asset Management Firm BlackRock Behind Forcing DEI And ESG On Companies Via Chinese-Style ‘Social Credit’ Scheme
The diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) agenda pushed by the world’s largest asset management firm BlackRock is an example of ‘the Chinese social credit system applied at the corporate level to America’
Last week I was researching a story about the DEI page on the Chick-fil-A website, and all the purported furor it was generating. I’ll be honest, I knew about the environmental, social, and governance initiatives known as ESG, but I knew nothing about the diversity, equity and inclusion of DEI. Where is all this coming from, and why is nearly every major company doing it? As it turns out, there is a simple, one-word answer to that question. BlackRock.
“Are we not counted of him strangers? for he hath sold us, and hath quite devoured also our money.” Genesis 31:15 (KJB)
BlackRock is many things, mainly the world’s largest and most-powerful asset management company managing trillions of dollars. When you have that much money, you are firmly in the bullseye of end times intrigue, and a driving force of the New World Order. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink is on record about his firm’s efforts to ‘force change’ of the woke agenda. The Chinese Social Credit scheme is evil, woke is evil, and BlackRock is oozing and dripping with evilness. Watch the video at the bottom of this article and you’ll see what we mean.
BlackRock’s DEI Push Is ‘Chinese Social Credit System Applied at the Corporate Level’
FROM BREITBART NEWS: John Carney was asked to comment on remarks that BlackRock CEO Larry Fink made in 2017 about his firm’s efforts to “force change.” The video of Fink’s remarks, which were given at a New York Times DealBook conference, went viral on Monday when Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance (R) tweeted it and denounced BlackRock’s behavior as “illegal and immoral.”
In the 2017 video, Fink states, “Well, behaviors are going to have to change, and this is one thing we’re asking companies. You have to force behaviors. And at BlackRock, we are forcing behaviors.”
“What we’re doing internally is if you don’t achieve these levels of impact, your compensation could be impacted,” Fink continued. “And so, it’s just you have to force behaviors. And if you don’t force behaviors—whether it’s gender or race, or just any way you want to say the composition of your team—you’re going to be impacted.”
“We’re going to have to force change,” Fink concluded in the video. Carney reported that BlackRock is trying to backpedal from Fink’s 2017 comments after being called out by Vance.
“Black Rock is actually trying to backpedal this,” Carney said. “They’re saying this is very old. This is how we were thinking of things in 2017. We don’t really want to do it. But they do”
“This is the Chinese social credit system applied at the corporate level to America,” Carney explained.
“Corporate CEOs feel under pressure to adopt the right environmental, the right social, the right diversity, equity, and inclusion policies, all because one of the biggest investors in the whole world has sent the message to them that this is what they care about.”
Brian Brenberg, guest-hosting for “Bottom Line” host Sean Duffy, noted that DEI and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) initiatives are a way for woke activists to enact their unpopular agenda by bypassing the democratic process.
“This stuff would never pass if legislators had to vote on it,” Brenberg said. “
So, corporations carry the water or the government bureaucracy does it behind the scenes through regulation. But either way, it happens to people without them ever getting a chance to raise their hand and say, hey, we don’t want this.”
“And the people whose money BlackRock is investing also haven’t said that’s what they want,” Carney noted. “And that’s one of the reasons BlackRock has tried more recently to walk this back — because they realized that they had gotten way out to the left of the American people, and they need the American people. That’s why they’re the biggest asset manager — because they’re running people’s retirement funds. If people say, ‘Wait a minute, I don’t want you pushing this far-left agenda on America, give me my money back’ that will put the company in trouble. So, they’re trying to run away from this.” READ MORE
BlackRock: the Company That Controls the World’s Governments
BlackRock is an investment firm that controls a huge number of shares in some of the largest companies in the world. They have a total of $10 trillion in assets across the globe. That’s an amount equal to half of America’s total gross domestic product – controlled by just one company. It’s easy to dismiss such a powerful company as all-out evil.
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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)
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