Robin Kung reports God is doing amazing things in Myanmar. Since God provided the ministry a piece of land last year, for which they prayed for a long time, they have been busy building a smaller place. They want to begin applying for electrical power and also begin training classes.
Kung says they are still working on the building and praying they will be granted the electrical power soon. As yet, the permits to build a ministry building or a church have not been issued, creating a greater challenge to get started.
Initially, sand was placed onto the land and the small house was built, creating good friendships with the neighbors, which is very important once they are able to build the building. God has graciously already provided some funds for the building.
The previous year, Kung held 16 different Christmas outreaches in order to reach many people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The first event was held in Yangon City, and from there activities were held in villages. Often, they provide concerts to draw the people. The cost for each venue is around $300, which covers food, transportation of the band, and instruments. By the grace of God, funds were raised and lives were touched with the message of Jesus Christ!
During these outreaches, people made decisions to follow Christ, as some villages were hearing the message of salvation for the first time. Other believers followed the Lord in water baptism.
How wonderful to have accepted Christ at the time we celebrate His birth to mankind!
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