Guide for Christian Voters
There are many issues in our day for the Christian to consider when voting for a leader of the United States. We feel that Christians should make efforts to be informed concerning the policies of those aspiring to lead our country. Though we can’t research all issues, we try to list a candidate’s position on issues that are important to Christians and even to people in general. This Christian voting guide is offered to you as you make your voting decision. To discuss politics from a Christian point of view, visit our politics forum.
The following information has been determined based on campaign statments and actions. Where the issue was not addressed by a candidate, no answer is listed. Please consider these things as you decide who will receive your vote.
Government Takeover of Health Care
Republican | |
Candidate: | |
Mitt Romney | As a candidate for the 2012 GOP nomination, Mr. Romney says he would overturn Obamacare because, even though he instituted a state-run plan as governor of Massachusetts, Mr. Romney says the federal government doesn’t have constitutional authority to force the states to do it. |
Democrat | |
Candidate: | |
Barack Obama | Mr. Obama supports his own plan which requires individuals to purchase healthcare. This is in opposition to when he was a candidate and said that his plan would not force Americans to buy it. His plan increases the rates individuals pay by over $2500 per year in order to pay for those who the government will not require to pay for their insurance. |
Republican | |
Candidate: | |
Mitt Romney | As a candidate for the 2012 GOP nomination, Mr. Romney says he is prolife. |
Democrat | |
Candidate: | |
Barack Obama | As a senator, Mr. Obama has been called the most proabortion senator in history due to his 100% proabortion record and because he was the only senator of either party to oppose the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. Source. As president he has been a friend of Planned Parenthood and what some have called, “Abortion on demand.” He is strictly proabortion. |
Views on the Government’s Role
Republican | |
Candidate: | |
Mitt Romney | Mr. Romney refers to the increasing of the size of the federal government under President Obama to be “trickle down government” and says that Obama believes that “government can do a better job than free people pursuing their dreams.” |
Democrat | |
Candidate: | |
Barack Obama | Mr. Obama has increased the size of the federal government by record amounts and it has seemed to keep pace with the record debt that has built under his administration. Though he as critical of President Bush for his spending, and promised to cut the deficit in half, President Obama spent more in his first 3 years than Bush did in his 8 years as President. |
Republican | . | |
Candidate: | ||
Mitt Romney | Says he won’t raise taxes on anyone and wants to lower the amount of taxes that businesses pay so that they can afford to hire more people. | |
Democrat | ||
Candidate: | ||
Barack Obama | Though admitting early in his campaign that the “last thing you do” is raise taxes in a down economy, President Obama’s plan increases taxes by $1 Trillion dollars in addition to lettering some of the Bush-era tax cuts expire. |
Are You Registered to Vote? Most States Allow Early Voting
Make sure you’re registered to vote and find out where to go by calling the appropriate number listed below. If you need to contact your representative to tell them how you feel on an issue, visit WhoIsMyRepresentative.com. As Christians we are to be light to a dark world in need of direction.
- Alabama: (800) 274-VOTE
- Alaska: (907) 465-4611
- Arizona: (877) 843-8683
- Arkansas: (501) 682-3526
- California: (800) 345-VOTE
- Colorado: (303) 894-2200
- Connecticut: (800) 540-3764
- Delaware: (302) 739-4277
- District of Columbia: (202) 727-2525
- Florida: (850) 245-6200
- Georgia: (404) 656-2871
- Hawaii: (808) 453-8683
- Idaho: (208) 334-2300
- Illinois: (217) 782-4141
- Indiana: (317) 232-3939
- Iowa: (888) 767-8683
- Kansas: (785) 796-4564
- Kentucky: (502) 573-7100
- Louisiana: (225) 342-4970
- Maine: (207) 642-7736
- Maryland: (800) 222-VOTE
- Massachusetts: (800) 462-VOTE
- Michigan: (517) 373-2540
- Minnesota: (651) 215-1440
- Mississippi: (800) 829-6786
- Missouri: (573) 751-2301
- Montana: (406) 444-4732
- Nebraska: (402) 471-3229
- Nevada: (775) 684-5705
- New Hampshire: (603) 271-3242
- New Jersey: (609) 292-3760
- New Mexico: (800) 477-3632
- New York: (800) FOR-VOTE
- North Carolina: (919) 733-7173
- North Dakota: (800) 352-0867 ext. 8-4146
- Ohio: (614) 466-2585
- Oklahoma: (405) 521-2391
- Oregon: (503) 986-1518
- Pennsylvania: (717) 787-5280
- Rhode Island: (401) 222-2345
- South Carolina: (803) 734-9060
- South Dakota: (605) 773-3537
- Tennessee: (615) 741-7956
- Texas: (800) 252-VOTE
- Utah: (800) 995-VOTE
- Vermont: (800) 439-8683
- Virginia: (804) 786-6551
- Washington: (360) 586-0400
- West Virginia: (304) 558-6000
- Wisconsin: (608) 266-8005
- Wyoming: (307) 777-7378
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