Have You Planned Missions Activities For Your Church?
The local church can have a great impact on global missions through prayer, involvement, and financial support. Local churches must be willing to intercede in prayer and involve themselves through missions projects. Of major importance is the funding needed to spread the Gospel in unreached areas of the world, especially where there is resistance to the Gospel.
Connecting with missionaries personalizes the effect and creates the desire for the congregation to partner with the missionaries in their ministries. A concerted unification of a congregation can have powerful results.
The pastor is the key for a successful missions outreach. A missions committee enhances the missions emphasis by using creative, exciting, and effective missions conferences. Many conferences are planned in the fall of the year, a time when missionaries are on itineration and can participate in your missions service. Decorations of flags, using missions songs, and providing a missions meal for everyone to enjoy are elements of promoting the missions cause.
Once a missionary or a specific area of the world is decided upon, the interest is piqued and excitement builds, as everyone will want to join in the excitement. A former pastor of a large Church of God congregation stated: “It doesn’t matter how large or small your church may be, an annual world missions conference will be one of the most rewarding events for your church!”
Begin now to plan and schedule your missions activities and do your part to evangelize the world. It’s been said before and it bears saying again … Missions is the heartbeat of God! The rewards of honoring God and His cause will amaze you.