Heart Check: The Final Examination

Posted on July 31, 2008 by tomsterbens
Weeks ago, I wrote concerning the heart of the Church of God and I wrote about our Heart Song. I guess for me, thats where Id like to end up…one final examination of our heart.
Yesterday, I drove to Cleveland and met with Julian Robinson, the Director of the Business and Records Department. I had never met this man before, what a gracious gentleman. I value forthrightness greatly and he was/is that. He informed me up front that there may be information that he was not empowered to disclose. I told him I understood that. There were no mixed words- only straight answers to questions that fell within his purview. Thats cool.
Anyway, perhaps the most enlightening information I received was when I asked hima question regarding deficit or delinquent money not sent (unpaid) into headquarters with monthly church reports. Its staggering. Check this out:
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