Hector Picard Inspires Me As I Get Ready for WILL RIDE FOR HOPE
Last Saturday, I rode my bike 100 miles with a most inspirational human being, Hector Picard. He has no arms. He drove down from Ft. Lauderdale, unloaded his own bike, inflated his own tires, changed his own tires, and out paced almost everyone on the ride! Ridiculously inspiring.
When he broke from the pack, I followed him and thought I was going to die trying to pace with him. I followed him for around 20 miles at 25 mph. That is a blazing pace, especially when you’re going it alone. Wow.
No arms. No excuses. Check out the video from the ride to Key West w/my friend, Hector Picard (double amputee) -> http://bit.ly/rwgqDl
The ride was my attempt at getting ready to ride my bike 540 miles across Cambodia in 6 days to raise money for People for Care and Learning. If you’d like to support my ride, 100% of the donations at www.willrideforhope.com go to People for Care and Learning!
Check out both the video…and drop a little coin at www.willrideforhope.com to bring hope to folks on the other side of the planet. BTW, if you give $100 or more, I’ll send you a great Will Ride for Hope Old Navy T-shirt!