Here’s a question I’ve been struggling with: do infants (or…
Here’s a question I’ve been struggling with: do infants (or the severely mentally disabled) go to heaven due to the age of accountability? I think there are problems with each option
1. All babies go to heaven
If that’s the case, God could simply make every human an infant who will die, which would lead to universal salvation.
2. Babies that God knows WOULD have accepted Him, given the chance, go to heaveb
If this is true, it seems to make our lives on Earth unnecessary. If salvation can be based on what you would have done and doesn’t need to occur in the actual world, why make us go through all of the pain of life in the first place? It would be easier for God to kill me young and go to heaven than to live a hard life on earthand go to heaven, since the result is the same.
3. All babies go to hell
Same problems with point 2, and it also horrible to imagine, and seems to go against Jesus’s view of children
4. Babies and the severely mentally disabled don’t have souls/image of God , and don’t go anywhere
This could work, since it would simply mean they cease to exist after death. But dehumanizing these individuals has serious moral implications regarding abortion, disability, and abuse that would be hard to justify.
5. Babies go to limbo (Roman Catholic belief)
In addition did not being in the Bible, why would God choose some souls to be in limbo and some to live a life on Earth? Why arbitrarily send a soul to limbo rather than letting them live a life where they can choose heaven or hell?
I’m not sure any of these explanations are satisfactory