Hey fellow Christ followers! Let’s get #Jesus trending on twitter by Easter! #ourcog #kidmin #winning #John3:16 #christianity #God #stumin ourCOG April 23, 2023 2:18 am #ourCOG 1 Hey fellow Christ followers! Let's get #Jesus trending on twitter by Easter! #ourcog #kidmin #winning #John3:16 #christianity #God #stumin Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets, christianity, easter, followers, god, jesus, kidmin, stumin, trending, twitter By ourCOG Related Posts EASTER MESSAGE The Apostolic Faith (September, 1906) http://goo.gl/HryLp #ourCOG Accountability for decisions and holding pastor’s accountable for growth and discipleship is what every JOB does in the world. #ourcog PT 5. "@Cog_Swagger: Penticostals were the first to "whip my hair back and forth." #ourCOG #COG" // lol