how scared are you about our financial future?
It’ not a good day in America. Today, rating agency Standard & Poor’s says it has downgraded the U.S. credit rating to AA+ from its top rank of AAA. This will more than likely start an even further negative downward financial spiral in our country. We’re in for tough times.
Here is what I want to ask Christ followers right now: are you ready to offer some hope to the people around you who will be reeling from all of this? My fear is that we will be just as freaked out as everyone else and we will miss this major opportunity to display our faith in a time of crisis.
Bad times always create ministry opportunities. People are hurting and the pain will increase. We simply must be in the position to make a positive difference.
Her are some of my suggestions that will insure that you are ready to be used by God in the rough days ahead:
1. Be sure that you trust God. If you don’t believe that He will take care of you, you have nothing to offer to anyone else.
2. Stop looking to people to provide for your future. No politician can offer the security you are looking for. Only God can do that.
3. Be sure that you are not too much in love with luxuries and a comfortable lifestyle.
4. Commit to God that, no matter what happens, you will live for Him. This is no time for fair-weather Christians.
5. Be faithful in your stewardship. Tough economic times are not the time to cut back on your giving to God.
6. Have a long-term perspective. I’m not giving investment advice. I am saying that this world is not our home. We won’t be here much longer. Heaven is where we belong.
7. Look at the believers around the world. For centuries, Christ followers all over the world have displayed grace and dignity when deprived of wealth. Allow their testimonies to encourage you.
Get ready for difficult days. Don’t lose your composure and blow your testimony. Let’s not miss this excellent opportunity to show those around us how Christ-followers face, with great faith, difficult times.
I am thinking that, from a spiritual perspective, this crisis may be the best thing for America. Maybe we will return to God.