How will you know?
And he called to her and said, “Please bring me a little water in a cup, that I may drink.” _1 Kings 17:10
Picture this, God tells Elijah to go to a foreign city and ask some unknown widow to give him room and board until the drought and famine is over.
(Sidenote: Isn’t it amazing how God gives us just enough information that requires us to trust and obey.)
How in the world would Elijah know who the widow was?
Simple, he asked.
Having spent most of my life leading a non-profit organization, and not just any non-profit. The organization I help lead askes people to pay to join and work for free.
That’s right, leaders in my organization ask people to join the organization, give some of their hard earned money to the organization every time they get paid, and expects them to show up weekly for meetings, and to donate their time and talents to ensure the organization flourishes, reaches its objectives, and accomplishes its mission.
Now that takes some leadership courage and skills!
Of course, if you’ve been following me for long you know that the non-profit organization I’m talking about is the Church and we call it church membership, giving your tithe and offerings, attending a worship service and volunteering.
But needless to say, leading a group of people who are paying to work for free requires a little savvy. And if there is anything I’ve learned its this: You have to ask.
How many times do we say “No” for others and don’t even ask?
“They wouldn’t do that.”
“They’d only say, “No.””
“They won’t take my call, attend, meet with me, make a donation, volunteer…”
The list is almost endless.
Buy why not ask?
Let them say “No,” not you.
Something I’ve learned in life; most people have a “Yes” in them. They may not give you everything you want, but they will give something. And occasionally you find someone who exceeds your requests and becomes a game-changer.
Of course, there are those who give a firm no and some even a rude no, but don’t let them stop you from finding a friend, a partner, a winner, a game-changer.
How will you know, if you don’t ask?
The ONE THING for today: Set aside your fear and pride and ask!
“Some men see things as they are and ask ‘Why?’ I dream of things that never were and ask, ‘Why not?’” _George Bernard Shaw
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash