I address as many misrepresentations of the Bible as I…
I address as many misrepresentations of the Bible as I possibly can in this exchange; I don’t know everything in the apologetic realm, the things I do know are less than the things I need to learn..
But the accusation that “the earth is flat” according to scripture is obvious, and blatant slander..
What flat earthers, and Atheists do is take figurative passages, and figures of speech such as “immovable” and apply concrete, literal meanings to them as to say “the Bible says the earth never moves”..
I address this in the conversation.This isn’t to say all of the Bible is figurative, or rather only the parts I assert are to fit my narrative.. there’s literal, and figurative parts, anyone that reads the Bible knows this, but what you’ll see the atheist do is the very thing he accuses me of doing..
He forges the figurative parts, and represents them in a literal sense to fit his narrative.As you’ll see, I’m rather stern with this guy, he likes to pick on flat earthers because he sees them as easy targets, while I don’t agree with FE’ers, I won’t bully them just because I know I’m right and they’re wrong…