I am not happy it is Columbus day! He rode Santaria all the way to the new world. #ourCOG #CAT11 ourCOG October 10, 2011 7:07 pm #ourCOG 0 I am not happy it is Columbus day! He rode Santaria all the way to the new world. #ourCOG #CAT11 Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts Jesus has bought us back from the tyranny of sin with His own "precious blood" (see 1 Peter 1). #OurCOG @BrianJRussell hey our whole #bibliata team enjoyed it-good work; fixing to submit the whole Bulgarian translation shortly #slacking #ourCOG Cameron Diaz is dead…wrong http://goo.gl/fb/2SYaW #ourCOG LOL!!!! //“@Cog_Swagger: Friday night!!!! I can’t stop thinking about how crazy my "like a might army" small group is going to be. #ourCOG”