I ate way to much sausage for dinner, breakfast, brunch, morning snack and lunch. #TMI #ourCOG ourCOG December 7, 2011 6:14 pm #ourCOG 0 I ate way to much sausage for dinner, breakfast, brunch, morning snack and lunch. #TMI #ourCOG Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts #JustinBieber on Christian radio! #comequicklylordJesus #ourCOG Preaching today on Rev. 1:12 You must TURN from your ways if you want to SEE GOD http://bible.us/Rev1.12.KJV And I turned to see… #ourCOG RT @FaithNewsCOG: RT @edstetzer // Reviewing our new research for/on the Church of God Cleveland. Fascinating stuff. // #ourcog @ClevelandTN #Lifeway I was just preach’n along and my tummy remember that breakfast burrito I had and …. church let out on time for the first time. #ourCOG