I changed this week
Today wraps up a solid week for me of learning from a bunch of phenomenal leaders. We have been at the Church of God State Camp Meeting in Wimauma Florida. This is an annual gathering for leaders and pastors in our denomination. In five days, I have listened to over 20 hours of teaching and preaching. Guys from all around the country came to share their hearts and the Word of God. It’s been a great week to spend time with friends and colleagues and to be challenged to grow spiritually and in leadership skills. Kudos to our Administrative Bishop, J. David Stephens and his team, who put this whole thing together.
With all of the speakers and all the venues and all the topics, the one thing that funneled down to me, the one big idea that most of the speakers touched on in one way or another was: I should just be who God created me to be and be very good at that. I was encouraged to dream big the dream that God has put in my heart. I was told again and again to stop trying to do what other people are doing, don’t spend time trying to please other people. Be comfortable in my own skin, know what God called me to do and do it with excellence. According to what I heard, if God put the idea in my head, He will provide me with whatever I need to accomplish it, provided I am obedient and submitted to His plans. Don’t allow anything to derail God’s vision for my life. Focus on the main thing, that one thing that God asked me to do, and God will give me the desire of my heart.
This did wonders for my attitude. While I am not the easiest guy to motivate, I come away from these meetings with a renewed sense of meaning and purpose. I have been praying about things this week that I haven’t prayed for in a long time. Weariness and frustration had drowned out my vision and passion in some important areas. After this week, it feels like the fires are burning again. I am dreaming again.
I am trying to ask myself two questions that were asked of us by Mitchell Tolle (a phenomenal and creative artist and speaker). For me, these questions help summarize the week, what God said to me.
If you could do anything you want, without fear of failure, what would you do?
When you are in God’s presence and He asks you what you want, what do you say?
Great questions, huh? I am motivated to answer these questions. I hope you will be, too.
It’s been a good week. I hope I can ride this wave for more than a little while.