I consider the origin of the evil that was found…
I consider the origin of the evil that was found in Satan after he was made perfect. I consider that everything Satan does, he does of himself and was a murderer & a liar from the beginning, being the father of it. I can only come to a conclusion as of yet that God made him, as are all things made, inferior to God himself. He knew God’s self-evident and most likely self-proclaimed authority, righteousness and power & yet he was given the capacity to be foolish in his analytical attempt to comprehend within his limited capacities the ignorance of an attempted coup against the almighty, but being that he and all things are inferior to God, his capacity to do such a thing could only exist because of his ability to choose to do so and yet he couldn’t have chosen otherwise given his lack of humility and wisdom in the face of where God placed him in his situation of possessing great splendor & gave him the capacity to nurse vanity within himself as we see in **Ezekiel 28:17**, hence Jesus was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world in order that he would preemptively defeat the coming unrighteousness which was foreordained by God, according to his goodwill in bringing salvation through redemption to his elect. Just as the darkness could not comprehend the light because it is inferior to it, his limited capacity to maintain humility led him to the most egregious mutiny brought on by his foolishness and arrogance. God assumingly left the door to sin open, when he proclaimed his righteous Lordship over all things to his creatures, creating the dichotomy that if good exists, the opposite is by default evil and has also been in concept, established into existence. Obviously, it was all in the good intention of God to make evil known from the beginning so that good could be known to be even greater and bring glory unto himself in that, but in order that his choosing absolve God of any responsibility for the evil that was done, Satan must have self-responsibility. I am forced to think of God leaving the door to sin known and left wide open in the garden of Eden with his decree “but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.” and also allowing Satan into the garden to tempt man, knowing full well what the outcome would be. And so we see the creaturely will obtaining responsibility for its actions that are guided by the autonomous will of God in that “The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.” and “The Lord has made everything for its own purpose, Even the wicked for the day of evil.” We are left to discover that “Many plans are in a man’s heart, But the counsel of the Lord will stand.” Even Satan himself was used as a tool in the outwitting hand of God, who granted him the ability to wound Job in accordance with his limitations, dictated to him by God so that He might bring Job to sin, but God used it, being predestined to occur in eternity past, to bring glory unto Himself and be magnified in the outcome of the ordeal’s end. And so we are left to consider that what God calls perfect, just might be perfect for what God intends to use it for, considering he said “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. “For *as* the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”