I’m Just An Old Chunk Of Coal

I’m Just An Old Chunk Of Coal

I’m Just An Old Chunk Of Coal (click on title or picture for the video)

On face book the following conversation took place.
……..thinking…….I may not be perfect, but Jesus thinks I’m to die for!!!!!!
Wow! How profound!LM
I love that!! I am gonna have to use that. 😉
Love it! I still sing “I’m just an old chunk of coal” under my breath at least once a week. Really glad you are on here and my friend!

Isn’t the assumption of this conversation that we are somehow redeemable as sinners? We are not so bad that there is something of value in all of us, no, yes, NO!

Isn’t there some Pelagianism in this conversation? We are sinners but not so sinful that we are beyond redemption.

I entered the conversation: Charles Page at 6:41am March 23
Art, a chunk of coal is a bad analogy for a sinner. A lump of coal is good for man and has the potential to be a precious stone. A lump of coal is profitable. A sinner is “unprofitable” (Rom 3:12) There is nothing redeemable in man so if you are saved at all it HAS to be grace. Unmerited favor, undeserved favor. You did nothing to earn it. He gave it to you and He did not ask you if you wanted it. The sinner is so dead in sin that he will not even resist God and God will not acknowledge him. There is no connection between the two apart from Christ. He first loved the unloveable!

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