Isn’t is curious that the June ed. of the #OurCOG #Evangel talks about hell and commemorates the life of Ray Hughes.. Pray about it saints.. ourCOG July 11, 2011 1:11 am #ourCOG 0 Isn't is curious that the June ed. of the #OurCOG #Evangel talks about hell and commemorates the life of Ray Hughes.. Pray about it saints.. Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts Fourth Horseman (of death) Egyptian riots. Full Original Video #ourCOG I get a kick out of people who having never seen a copy of Textus Receptus in their… #ourCOG about tired of sermons and lessons and books on world #missions written by people who have not spent even ONE FULL YEAR in the field #ourCOG More new content up! Check it out at Get in the… #ourCOG