It was God alone Who saved you (applied eternal spiritual…
It was God alone Who saved you (applied eternal spiritual life thru regeneration Eph 2:1) from eternal hell when you were INCAPABLE (that is dead in sins) to believe. Clearly He saved you when you were an unbeliever (CONTRARY to what most teach from their pulpits by saying “belief to get saved from eternal punishment”), for new birth is spiritual resurrection…this is spiritual eternal life applied BEFORE we believe (life before activity)!
Now, because you do not “know” and “feel” regeneration and when did it happened unless and until you’re told, God uses the biblical principle of “the tree is known by it’s fruit” to save you from that ignorance, by means of Him, through the preacher with the Gospel, declares what He did to you, to you – that your good fruit (belief and repentance) be manifest! This manifestation of good and righteous fruit communicates to you, giving you the knowledge that you are a made “son of God”, and are in possession of life eternal. Because as John puts it – he who believes that Jesus is the Christ IS born of God! 1 John 5:1… If you are yourself capable to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, you’ll know that you’re born of God!
So being a regenerate man in possession of eternal life and capable of believing, you are then admonished to OBEY the proclamation of the Gospel, and the call “to believe” it.
By the which obedience, will deliver or save you (NOT from hell because if you’re born again, you obviously already are) from your own ignorance of not knowing that you have been saved by your God, and it will also save you from false teachings in this present evil world (this is clearly temporal deliverance, a salvation that happens to the believer in time)
Belief is a regenerate man obeying. Belief is a condition met by the regenerate man in order to receive a reward (to receive salvation, not eternal, but in time). This is the kind of salvation (the temporal kind) which you, the born again child of God, will receive upon believing in the preacher proclaiming the good news.
Belief will save none to eternal life, because you were already monergistically saved to that, when you were NOT believing.