I’ve had discussions with atheists about Morality; though they won’t…
I’ve had discussions with atheists about Morality; though they won’t admit, it’s very evident morality is objective even to atheists which believe in no governing authority beyond themselves..
They struggle to present answers in this topic when pressed by a knowledgeable Christian.
They usually respond “morality evolved as humans learned which mannerisms were harmful and which were not to society.”
The evidence against these asserted lies surface in times of crisis.Where Christ implies we should lay down our lives for our friends (John 15:13)
Hoards of people trample over one another to buy a surplus of supplies, from toilet paper, germX, to baby formula and food even at the expense of those without.
Where the holy bible says to give to the poor, and those in need willingly without charge (Deut 15:11, Prov 19:17, Matt 5:42, Luke 6:38 etc.)
There’s rich men buying hygiene products, soap and hand sanitizer in bulk gouging prices much higher than the original product, to profit from a crises when the shelves in stores are empty.
Without God’s standard humanity is reduced to the animalistic, survival of the fittest, heathen behavior we supposedly evolved from in the Stone Age.
Civilization is what keeps man from Chaos, civilization is supported by laws based on objective morality established by God; people are buying up all the toilet paper now, it may be food next time.. Ever heard “don’t bite the hand that feeds you”?
If the world keeps bitting Gods hand, it may end up starving.. literally.