I’ve never had a Roman Catholic willing to tell me…
I’ve never had a Roman Catholic willing to tell me how they venerate Mary and then tell me how they worship Jesus and then tell me what the difference is between their veneration and their worship. They avoid this like the plague because then they would have to get honest and admit they are worshiping Mary. With praying to Mary she is supposed to hear the thoughts of a person, not only one person but it can be millions at once all over the world. The RCC has made her omnipotent and omnipresent and omniscience to be able to do this feat. Over the years the RCC has had dogma creep in to have Mary parallel Jesus so that she becomes his equal. Catholics talk about Jesus and Mary like they are coequal redeemers. We need to educate them in biblical truth. When I was a catholic we were never encouraged to read the bible. If catholics were to read the bible their whole house of cards would fail. I used to think all this catholic dogma was taken directly from the bible and couldn’t understand why protestants wotld reject bible teaching. It was when I started reading the bible that I realized I was lied to. I have been saved since from religion to relationship.