j simms is a beast
J Simms is one of a kind. Today marks the 20 year point that he and Rebecca joined the staff of our church. 3 Lead Pastors, numerous job titles and countless ministry responsibilities later and he is still going strong. J is as knowledgeable regarding local ministry as anyone I have ever met. He is a wealth of information. He has an unusual gift mix which includes music, creativity and administration. He works as hard as anyone you’ll ever meet – and he works way too many hours every week. He is an excellent Executive Pastor!
J is intensely passionate about our church. This is not a job to him. He lives and fights to see the mission of the church fulfilled. Among my favorite attributes of J’s is his loyalty. He is fiercely loyal to his God, his family and his church. Lots of people have come and gone and this will continue. But J remains a consistent and trustworthy friend, co-laborer and Pastor.
Congratulation, J, Rebecca, Taylor and Jordan. We love you and thank God that you are a part of our family!