Jackie David Johns sent out this E-mail "This cause is…

Jackie David Johns sent out this E-mail
“This cause is close to my heart:…”
To: The Community of Faith
A Call to Break the Silence on Violence Against Women and Girls

This is a Church of God issue as it comes from an instructor of the Pentecostal Seminary. The Church of God is part of the “community of Faith”.

What is the violence that is referenced by this call to sign…
What violence is this paper talking about? If it is physical abuse or sexual harassment that would be fairly clear and that should be spoken against.

What is this cause that is close to Jackie Johns’ heart? Shouldn’t he make this clear?

If there is physical abuse or sexual abuse call the police, don’t call the church! Let the police decide the legal issue.

What is really the issue here?

This is the text of the appeal that Dr. Johns is making:

We, as women elders and leaders, issue a call of action to the faith community to end violence against women. Throughout the Christmas season—symbolic of God’s incarnation among the suffering—and culminating on Easter Sunday—symbolic of God’s victory over sin and oppression—we call churches into two streams of action:

1. To stand with women who experience violence. A call to solidarity by making space for women to break their silence in our congregations and communities. Recognizing each woman’s inherent dignity, we call on churches to create protected spaces where survivors of violence can offer their stories, as they choose, and where the body can receive these stories with empathy, love and care.

2. To stand up for women who experience violence. A call to advocacy, repenting of our silent ascent to systems, structures, and practices that harm our sisters. We desire to spark action at all levels affecting the lives of women. We call the leaders and influencers within the greater faith community to action. We invite the Body of Christ to adopt a genuine willingness to repent where we have failed and to fight both systemic and individual injustices in our midst.

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