Joe Biden Ordered Staged Air Strikes That Did Little To No Damage To Iran Or Its Proxies Because He’s Afraid Of Getting In A War In An Election Year

CNN’s Walsh: U.S. Air Strikes on Iraq and Syria Less than Soleimani Strike in Iran, ‘Telegraphed’ Enough to Let Targets Avoid Them

Back when Barack Obama was enjoying his second term, he was forced to deal with terror group ISIS, and it was quite clear he didn’t have any appetite at all for doing anything that would actually get rid of them. In 2014, Obama ordered air strikes against ISIS in Syria, and yet somehow, those attacks didn’t seem to deter ISIS in any way or even slow them down. One reason for that was because most of the targets were empty buildings. In 2024, during his third term, it seems that Obama has once again ordered meaningless strikes on mostly empty targets through his ‘front man’ Joe Biden.

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Proverbs 29:2 (KJB)

When I got up this morning, I was hoping to read, in any publication anywhere, encouraging reports of all the damage that Biden’s air strikes had done last night, but sadly, there were none. In fact, on the ‘Situation Room’ over at fake news CNN, they were talking about how Biden’s air strikes were ‘telegraphed’ to Iran to provide the least amount of damage possible. You know it’s bad when even CNN cannot cover it up. These staged air strikes have done nothing to avenge the deaths of the 3 US soldiers killed in the Iranian sponsored drone attack earlier this week. Iran can rest easy knowing that their buddy Barack Obama is still calling the shots over at the White House, what a dark time for America.


The U.S. strikes in response to the fatal drone attack on U.S. soldiers ‘seem to be essentially telegraphed’ to avoid damage

FROM BREITBART NEWS: On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” CNN Chief International Security Correspondent Nick Paton Walsh stated that the U.S. strikes in response to the fatal drone attack on U.S. soldiers “seem to be essentially telegraphed enough to give those on the receiving end enough time to relocate or lessen the damage that potentially could have been done” and the strikes are smaller than the strike that killed Qassem Soleimani under the Trump administration.

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Walsh cautioned that there may be further strikes, but “it does seem to be essentially telegraphed enough to give those on the receiving end enough time to relocate or lessen the damage that potentially could have been done. It seems carefully packaged, with the use of B-1 bombers — abnormal –, and the declaration that 85 targets were hit…to make it feel as though this is significantly more substantial. It may indeed prove to have been the case, but so far, we are looking at, geographically, areas that have been hit before over previous years, and we are, as I say, looking at a telegraphing of a response that will likely have reduced its effectiveness. We’ve heard from the Pentagon saying the weather was potentially behind some of the timing here, too.” READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

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The post Joe Biden Ordered Staged Air Strikes That Did Little To No Damage To Iran Or Its Proxies Because He’s Afraid Of Getting In A War In An Election Year appeared first on Now The End Begins.