Just Where Is Socialism Going? :: By Ron Ferguson


Why is it that many nations in the Western world are all being governed by socialist governments? Under Biden, socialism reinforced itself, and under Harris if she is President, socialism will be in full bloom. This fellow Walz is even worse.

Marxism is just another form of socialism, and the difference between Marxism and communism is semantic.

As a non-American (who tries to follow what is happening), I think the earnest road to socialism was paved by Obama. This man was no friend of Israel, and in fact, no socialist is. What does that tell you straight away? The answer lies in left-wing policies that are quite demonic.

Australia and Canada are well along the socialist road; in fact, deeply along it in many States. The new government of Britain is very socialist. I hope we don’t get confused by media terms. All socialism is some degree of Marxism. What my observations tell me is that world socialism – discounting the absolute communist nations – Russia, China, North Korea, etc., is hardening quickly.

However, in so-called democracies, it is the people who make the choices, so we cannot turn around and then blame the elected representatives for the increase in demonic socialism. 50% of the USA (discounting the cheating) voted for Biden, 55% of Australia voted for Albanese, and a huge number of Britons voted for their hard socialist governments. That is the way the world is going.


What is causing it? I don’t have the answer, but this I do suspect: the media is almost owned by Satan. Ages ago, the communists knew they had to control the media so their message could infiltrate to the people, and that is what they did. The media outlets are in the hands of the prince of the air, and I know of only one good television station/network in Australia, plus one other moderate one.

In the USA, you have a whole range of opposing, God-hating media. CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, NBC News, The Guardian. One media not of the left and good is Fox News, and I just saw that a survey among people determined it had the highest negative bias of any outlet at 87%. The survey must have been done in the universities of California and New York.

The other factors are Social Media and the Education System. I saw this socialism deliberately being infused into education in the 1980s and ’90 when I was teaching, being brought in by a left-wing, socialist Government. It has only increased since. The minds and hearts of the young have been corrupted by people who will be accountable before God of great evil.


This is worrying, for this increasing evil is not coming from the top downwards but from the bottom upwards. It is people who vote for representatives who most resemble or reflect themselves. Our societies are decaying; democracies are decaying. People are becoming more godless and adopting demonic practices and beliefs.

WOKE, with all its promotion of alternative sexuality, the destruction of children’s gender and sexuality, the use of pronouns, its “inclusion” policies that are inclusive of everything except Christianity, the hate for Israel, Jews and Christians – all these are cementing themselves in our societies.

The salt has become insipid in the main because our churches in so many areas have become traitorous in their adoption of alternate positions on a number of WOKE things. They fail to teach the Rapture and prophetic scriptures and banish those who want to do that. I was speaking to a man who travels Australia. He has been a stockman in some of the most remote areas. (I don’t know what the US term is. Cattle herder? cowboy?). He was telling me that church after church he goes to wants nothing to do with the scriptural teaching of eschatology. This is lamentable. They don’t want to know about the Rapture.

Earlier on (a past post), I wrote about Donald Trump’s MAGA. Sadly, UNLESS THERE IS MASS REPENTANCE, America will not become great again. If Trump is elected, then maybe he will stem the tide, but it will be only temporary. Remember (in my opinion), Josiah was the second-best king in Israel/Judah, yet the nation that was under this godly man was grossly corrupt. All his reforms (many of them) did nothing really. Read the book of Jeremiah, who was a prophet at that time, and the whole nation was corrupt and idolatrous. It was ripe for judgment and happened in the Time of Josiah’s sons.


One simple answer is that it is Satan that is doing this. The question arises as to the foundation of our modern era and what caused socialism to gain a footing.

There are probably many answers, but I see humanism as the key factor. Once man considered himself superior to the notion of God and discarded biblical absolutes, then any concoction of man’s devising was legitimate. Maybe the first off the mark was Evolution, which displaced the Creator. Then Higher Criticism in Religion followed from Germany. Then you had the great influence of these deeply deluded men – Freud, Nietzsche, Russell, and other so-called “thinkers” and “philosophers” whose demonic writings influenced nearly every aspect of Western society.

God was one step ahead of these delusionaries. Delusionists? (If they are not words, then “deceivers.”)

Colossians 2:8 “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.”

1 Corinthians 1:18-19 “The word of the cross is to those who are perishing foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God, for it is written, ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and the cleverness of the clever I will set aside.'”

Whether this is right or wrong, I will not say, but this is what Dr. Google says:

“The socialist political movement includes political philosophies that originated in the revolutionary movements of the mid-to-late 18th century, and out of concern for the social problems that socialists associated with capitalism. By the late 19th century, after the work of Karl Marx and his collaborator Friedrich Engels, socialism had come to signify anti-capitalism and advocacy for a post-capitalist system based on some form of social ownership of the means of production. By the early 1920s, communism and social democracy had become the two dominant political tendencies within the international socialist movement, with socialism itself becoming the most influential secular movement of the 20th century. Many socialists also adopted the causes of other social movements, such as feminism, environmentalism, and progressivism.”

Socialism advocates public ownership of everything, and in trying to force that, brings a lack of initiative and happiness into society. People are pawns in an ideological system. This is the system that will ideally suit the Antichrist government and is the reason why we are seeing its rapid spread today. Walz is a true Marxist, and probably Harris too, so this election will be a very decisive one for the USA.

I did see this from a National Geographic encyclopedic entry on socialism:

“According to socialist philosophy, these features of capitalism lead to inequalities in wealth and hence power and the exploitation of workers. According to socialism, notions of individual freedom and equality of opportunity are available only to those who control the means of production. In a capitalist society, this means a few rich capitalists hold power at the expense of the working class. In a socialist system, however, it is argued that since everyone controls the means of production, everyone is free.”

The problem with that is that under socialism, nobody is free. Do not be deluded – look at conditions in the former USSR, and today in North Korea, and under Islamic socialism such as in Iran. The only true freedom is in a relationship with Jesus Christ and not to a system of man.

“You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy (originally You’ll Own Nothing and You’ll Be Happy) is a catchphrase originating from a 2016 essay by Danish MP Ida Auken, which was included in the video “8 Predictions for the World in 2030” by the World Economic Forum. WEF Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab is an advocate of The Great Reset where control is in the hands of a tiny minority.

The thing is that socialism is so foreign to Christian doctrines and philosophy that there is no way we can adopt it, and (I don’t want to interfere) but there is no possible way (in my opinion) that a person could vote for a Democrat, especially at present under two Marxists – Harris and Walz. They are enemies of our Christian faith.

Who was a better candidate and more moderate on the Democrat side – Walz or Shapiro? Without a doubt, it is Shapiro, and the reason Harris rejected him was because he is a Jew. Make no mistake about it: Harris and Waltz are enemies of Christians and Jews.

If you seek out the origins of socialism, you usually end up with statements about the Age of Enlightenment and the 1789 French Revolution, as well as the changes that came about under that system with the murders and repression. Socialism is all about control over people’s lives because it is humanism for “the collective good.” Just look at the rule of the Albanese Government in Australia and the control of Walz, Trudeau, and Newsom in California.

The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, was simply a further development in socialism. We cannot be sure, but I have a strong feeling that it will be a Socialism-Marxist reign under the Antichrist, and we know it will be punitive with the strongest repression and death for non-compliance, such as is expressed under the mark of the beast. That is why so many nations are adopting socialism today. Delusion is taking hold.

The idea under Socialism and The Great Reset (I reckon the same Marxist thing) that you will own nothing and be happy is absolutely contradictory to scripture; these organizations of men are contradictory to God. I will share these verses that have their setting in the Millennium and note the highlighted section that is the exact opposite of what Socialism/Marxism is:

Micah 4:3-5 “He will judge between many peoples and render decisions for mighty, distant nations. Then they will hammer their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, and never again will they train for war. EACH OF THEM WILL SIT UNDER HIS VINE AND UNDER HIS FIG TREE, WITH NO ONE TO MAKE THEM AFRAID, for the mouth of the LORD of hosts has spoken. Though all the peoples walk each in the name of his god, as for us, we will walk In the name of the LORD our God forever and ever.”

Personal ownership and care is part of the Millennium! Humanism wants it otherwise, but the Lord God has the final say.


*** While the Lord tarries, socialism will become more entrenched and will become more restrictive of people’s lives. Christians in California know that.

*** Do not be surprised if some awful Democrat becomes President. We do not want that, but as we are in the last days of the Church age, then wickedness proceeds from bad to worse. The thing is, conditions will not get better.

*** Expect more and more unrest, violence, and rioting as wickedness increases. Man will not have the answer.

*** I do not think the Middle East problem will be solved until the saviour (small “s”) of the world arrives figuratively on a white horse and cleverly fixes it with a 7-year covenant with Israel. This will be after the Rapture removes the Church. Then things will go from bad to worse again.

As for the election, you Americans go and vote the way you want, or not vote, but what I do know is that half of the American population is demonically deluded. I think you have to be blinded by Satan not to understand the pure evil of Harris and Walz; therefore, half will vote for them. Why do I say that? Here is a Tribulation verse – Revelation 13:3 “I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed AND FOLLOWED AFTER THE BEAST.” Evil attracts followers, and that is what is happening now.

Just to close: In the passage of time, it’s the passage of time that is important, and time is in the passage of time so that with time, the passage of time will proceed timelessly! That is what the passage of time is!

Ron Ferguson

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