Live Like It

Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, _Philippians 1:27

(Written to my grandson, Rory Bennett)

My dear Rory,

I’ll never forget my first visit to the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington DC.  It was a very sobering experience for me.  But one of the saddest moments was when I stood before “The Three Servicemen” statue.  This statue depicts three soldiers keeping watch over the Vietnam Memorial and represents those who fought and survived and came back home. 

Those three somber, vigilant soldiers stand watch to remind all of us who survived the war that we must never forget those who didn’t.

They stand there in mute silence to speak to our conscience and character that with our life comes a duty and obligation to not only remember those didn’t live, but to live our lives worthy of their sacrifice.

Here’s the sad moment…

Several other visitors were standing there with me as I stood before the statue that day and one group broke away and stepped up to the statue and stood beside the silent soldiers using it as a photo opportunity.  They were laughing, making funny faces, and speaking rather loudly.  It seemed so irreverent and out of place.  It saddened me. 

There’s no disgrace in having a good time, but not in that context; not in a place dedicated to the sacrifices (ultimate sacrifices!) of those who helped make those fun freedoms possible. 

Rory, that is what the Apostle Paul was saying in today’s verse. 

Of course, live your life; live if fully!

Enjoy it.  Have fun.  Pursue happiness and success.

But don’t forget where you are and whose you are. 

Always be vigilantly mindful of the shadow of the Cross that looms over your life and, more importantly, the One who died on that cross.

You have a high calling, a solemn obligation, a noble task – to live your life in such a way that it is worthy of the sacrifice of your king – Jesus Christ.    

Remember, you are a King’s Man, Rory…live like it.

Love, Papa