Living Life to the Praise of His Glory
Pastor Mark Williams begins a new series from the Book of Ephesians. This book is a favorite to many people as a book of doctrine and duty. Throughout the series, we will see how God wants to do something fresh in our lives and how we can allow Him to do so. Join Pastor Mark and the North Cleveland Family for the launch of the series, “Living Life to the Praise of His Glory”.
Sermon Outline/Notes
Living Life for the Praise of His Glory A Study of the Letter of Paul to the Ephesians
Welcome to the Book of Ephesians!
A. Fast Facts 1. Ephesians is the 49th book of the Bible, 10th book of the New Testament, and the 9th of Paul’s 13 letters. 2. Ephesians is one of four letters written by the Apostle Paul during his first imprisonment in Rome. 3. Ephesians is comprised of 6 chapters, 155 verses, and 3,039 words.
B. Prominent Themes 1. The Church 2. The Unity of Believers 3. The Grace of God
C. Fascinating Beginnings (Acts 18:19-21, 19:1-20)
Focus: Ephesians 1:1-23
I. A Life Lived for the Praise of His Glory Never Takes Spiritual Blessings for Granted. A. The Scope of Spiritual Blessings (1:4-14) 1. We have been chosen in Him before the foundation of the world (1:4). 2. We have been adopted into the family of God (1:5). 3. We have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus (1:7). 4. We have been forgiven of all our sins (1:7). 5. We have been given wisdom to understand the mystery of His will (1: 8-9). 6. We have been sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise (1:13).
B. The Source of Spiritual Blessings (1:3) 1. God is the source. 2. Jesus is the secret. 3. The Holy Spirit is the supply.
C. The Sphere of Spiritual Blessings (1:3)
II. A Life Lived for the Praise of His Glory Gives Thanks for Others. A. The Love of Others (1:15) B. The Faith of Others (1:15)
III. A Life Lived for the Praise of His Glory Continues to Pursue God in Prayer. A. Prayer for Spiritual Impartation (1:17) B. Prayer for Spiritual Illumination (1:18) C. Prayer for Spiritual Empowerment (1:19-23)
IV. Conclusion