Living on Sabbath Time: Day 3/31
Weekend Devotional
Hello my dear fellow Sabbath-keeper!
Each week during our Sabbath month, I will include in our bulletin (also posted on my blog) two devotionals for you use. They can be used in your personal devotions, but if you have family at home, I’m asking you to also share them with your family.
One of the important lessons that I hope we all learn is that Church is a supplement to our growth as devoted followers of Christ. The real growth should be occurring during the week. Jesus instructed us to go into the world teaching people to be become Christ-followers as well (Matthew 28:18-20). If all we have to teach them is what the pastor learned and shared at church we are not going to have a lot to teach and we are not going to have a lot of passion about it. But, if we are daily learning and growing in our faith and daily experiencing the transforming power that comes from learning God’s word then we will be brimming with current vibrate knowledge and how to apply that knowledge to the current situation.
The “WORD” we get at church is very important. God puts shepherds/pastors into our lives to point the way, equip and prepare us to walk in that way and to lead us into the paths of righteousness (right living). However, if we don’t do something with the direction and training we get at church we will never truly experience the wonderful and productive life that God desires for us. It’s great to know where the path to eternal life and productivity is; but we must walk on it! That “walking” is what happens Monday – Saturday when we are not in church. So I encourage you to start with the two weekly devotions I will provide for you. Learn to carve a little more time for prayerful reflection and study in your week than you have in the past. If you do you will come through Sabbath month refreshed, re-tooled and ready to go to a new level of living.
Resting in Him, dlkemp
SCRIPTURES: Deuteronomy
11:18-21; Luke 2:41-52
As you reflect on the verses in Deuteronomy ask yourself:
- How well am I doing with the daily process of learning the great truths, principles and commands of God and teaching them to my family?
- Discuss with your family this passage and ask for their input on how you as a family can be faithful to the command given here.
- Discuss the Luke passage with your children. Point out how that by the time Jesus was twelve he could hold his own against the greatest bible scholars of his day! Remind them that Jesus did this as a human, not in his divinity. Then ask your children to take an inventory of how well they are doing in this area and how they could improve. Finally, discuss why it matters.