Looking forward to a great 2012!
Hello everyone, I hope you’re having a great 2012!
As you can see, I only blog on “even” years. So, look forward to hearing from me from time to time this year about life and ministry.
Our 2012 vision this year for the High 5 Children’s Ministry is simple:
To connect the body of Christ at Westmore RELATIONALY and with RESPONSIBILITY so we may better serve Christ, His church and reach our community.
Luke chapter ten teaches us some amazing truths about ministry that we can see modeled from the life of Jesus himself. First of all in verse one we read how Jesus sent the disciples out two by two. He has called us to PARTNER in ministry. As we partner in ministry, we connect with others in the body of Christ relationally and with a shared responsibility. Partnering this way puts us into a good position to serve joyfully and avoid the burn out so many in ministry experience.
Secondly, we see the importance of PRAYER. Luke 10:2 Jesus says to pray for laborers to enter the harvest. It’s important to lift up one another in prayer and encourage one another to step up and serve in some way. Prayer not only connects us in our relationship with God, it is through prayer that God is able to connect us with others and bring about divine providence in our lives to accomplish His purpose through us.
Lastly, we should PRAISE God as we experience what He is doing in our lives and through our lives for His kingdom. In Luke ten verse seventeen and twenty one we can see that not only do we rejoice as we serve God together, Jesus himself is filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit as we do His work on the earth today.
So, get out there and get involved in your home church. Partner in ministry, pray for the harvest and praise God. Serve the Lord by serving others. Your 2012 can be the best year ever as you connect relationally and with responsibility within the body of Christ!
Chris Knipp