Looking forward to worshipping and sharing God’s Word with the High 5 kids @westmorecog this morning! #Jesus #Won #ourCOG #kidmin #cla ourCOG March 27, 2011 10:57 am #ourCOG 0 Looking forward to worshipping and sharing God's Word with the High 5 kids @westmorecog this morning! #Jesus #Won #ourCOG #kidmin #cla Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts The most COG students at Lee, @hannahkyoung and Josh Moore aren’t even here to hear the COG Chief speak in Chapel. #OurCOG #Blasphemy for future reading #ourCOG Internationalization vs. Naturalization http://goo.gl/wYIW This is definitely a "get a DD coffee" before church kind of Wednesday! #ourCOG #kidmin #FamMin @mdmcmullin @revkevinwalker @JohnUpChurch @jonathanstone @jeremymoore had no idea that was published in the new Torch hhttp://goo.gl/ZGyZQ #ourCOG