Lord seek out your servant Rev. Tebow. Give his WR hands to receive your gift that your servant is giving. #ourCOG #Tebow ourCOG November 6, 2011 11:31 pm #ourCOG 0 Lord seek out your servant Rev. Tebow. Give his WR hands to receive your gift that your servant is giving. #ourCOG #Tebow Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts Push Back…life the way it is! http://goo.gl/fb/eA0gc #ourCOG Everything I do is following him RT @dasjr @Cog_Swagger I see the @RFCulpepper doesn’t follow you. What gives? #ourCoG So #Tebow is MVP of that game? Maybe. I think #Jesus is the MVP #ourCOG @ScottMagdalein @MichaelHyatt @edstetzer @dasjr Bulgaria in the Archive of the British & Foreign Bible Society in Cambridge 6/20/11 #ourCOG