Luke 2:5 ourCOG March 6, 2017 10:18 am #ourCOG 0 Is APOGRAFASQAI correct here? I would have expected APOGRAFESQAI. Vasile Stancu Facebook Comments By ourCOG Related Posts Preaching today on Rev. 1:12 You must TURN from your ways if you want to SEE GOD And I turned to see… #ourCOG THE FOLLOWING BIBLE VERSES PROVES AND CONFIRMS THAT JESUS IS… @LeX_factor707 not to mention the lack of knowledge about such things as All-night tent prayer meetings and Red-back Hymnals. #ourCOG RT @Cog_Swagger: My wife reallyknows #waystoirritateme! She said if she cut her hair we’d save money on the Aquanet. She showing her shoulders next!? #OurCOG