Macas, Ecuador Baptism Celebration

We had a marvelous month in February among the people of Macas, Ecuador. God has blessed His church and His mighty Spirit moved among the Shuar Indians and others in a powerful way.
On Sunday, February 27th, 57 members of the Macas Church of God arrived in Chambira, about 3 1/2 hours from Macas, at 11 in the morning. We joined three other church families from around the area. This is the second such event to occur for our churches in Ecuador. In 2010 the host church was Macas, but this year it’s Chambira. There were 250 sisters and brothers that celebrated Jesus with singing, praise and worship. What a joyful time! Gloria Dios!
After Pastor Miller Gonzalas delivered a Spirit-filled message, the believers gathered around those to be baptized in the River Cabanya. What a wonderful time to praise the Lord and give thanks for His mercy and salvation! We all were in awe of His blessings. We took many pictures during and after the baptisms, but pictures never do justice to the power of the event! After the baptism, we all ate and continued to enjoy the fellowship amongst each other.
Pastor Gonzalas is pastor of the Macas Church of God and is supported through Metro Church of God in Alabama, as well as others who support many of his other projects that reach the Shuar Indians of Ecuador. We all are very grateful for what the Lord is doing to reach the lost of Ecuador and for all who participated in helping this ministry go forth for His glory! Eight people were baptized on Sunday; seven from Macas Church of God. This particular baptism number does not include other baptismal occasions that occured in other areas of Ecuador with Bro. Miller and the Shuar Indians.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit ..." Matthew 28:19 (NIV)
Our Focus for the month of March: Stillwater, TX Will Be Coming to Macas, Ecuador!
These fabulous warriors for God are courageous in their team efforts to reach the Shuar Indians. They pour their talent, time and finances into reaching the lost and going into the deepest parts of the Amazon. Pray for them as they prepare for this significant outreach to the Shuar. These wonderful people and their church have formed a God ordained relationship with Pastor Gonzalas and Ecuador!
Preparation for the Second Annual Shuar Teaching Seminar is underway for June 22-June 26, with Dr. James Lee presiding, and his lovely wife, Margarita, translating. This will be a 5-day event with an expected attendance of 300 people. We also anticipate thousands to attend the Friday night community wide concert and evangalistic outreach.
A long time friend of Dr. Lee and Margarita, Pastor Ken and Lisa Albin of Save the Nations Church in Fort Lauderdale will lead a team to Macas from June 20-June 27. This team will consist of approximately 10-15 young people who will minister to 5 Shuar churches that are about 2 hours from Macas. All of us are extremely excited about how the work of the Lord is growing in this small part of the world; glory to the Lord!
We ask your prayers as Pastor Miller, the church, and all the teams prepare for the mission ahead. We are expecting our Lord to pour out His Spirit and lead us in all the right ways to go. All for His glory!!
Thank you,
Ron & Dean Johnson