Many think this is hard. The world misjudge this as…
Many think this is hard. The world misjudge this as fanaticism and a fundamentalist attitude.
Let me tell you who do not understand the word ‘biblical’ means. To be biblical means to be TRUTHFUL from the heart. To obey God’s commandment to be true to His Word. To act exactly like JESUS CHRIST.
Because we know being positive or popular, you need not be truthful. Someone can lie and be nice outside. But we can be nice and be truthful when live a life based on TRUTH. A Christian life is totally different from a wordly life. Unfortunately, most Christians today aren’t living like this. There is no TRUTH in their life. They are hypocrites.But a few souls saved by the Grace and mercy of God, striving hard to live this BIBLICAL LIFE at any cost. They know the real cost of TRUTH. Being truthful is very hard these days but when it is an act of obedience to God, everything is possible.
Let’s live a biblical life.