More Than a Consumer – a Disciple, a Called Minister
From Chris Day on his blog talking about his experience at Life Pointe Church when he realized God had a calling on his life…pertinent as we talk about the 5 fold ministry in Ephesians 4:7-16:
Very early on during the first year of my fantastic journey one of the new Pastors within my church family called me out during one of his first Sunday morning teachings. The man stood up there on the stage right in the middle of his message that morning, and he boldly exclaimed these 7 words in front of everyone, “Chris Day – YOU’RE a Disciple of Christ !” A series of chills – sent from up above – totally consumed my body. That was instantly one of the most groundbreaking moments of my fantastic journey. That’s when it all really made sense to me as a born again Christian. From that point forward I realized that I had a real role – an urgent purpose – a definite mission on this journey.
Sometimes, I want to bash my head over how badly WE and ME miss it. It’s simple. We’re called by God, qualified, and empowered to do the work that Jesus did and walk out the walk that Jesus walked.