Much can be gleamed about God from the Law of…

Much can be gleamed about God from the Law of Cause and Effect: The bible contributes to this Law from its first verse: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The universe also teaches us what God is not. Polytheism is not reasonable. If there is more than one God, then none of the gods can be either omnipotent or omnipresent. Likewise, pantheism is irrational because a God who is essentially synonymous with universe and its varied components could never be the Cause of the universe. Dualism fails as well because even though there may be two competing principles in the universe, it is still a universe! And for a universe, there must be a universal First Cause. Thus, reasoning from cause-and-effect leads us to conclude that the great First Cause of things, the Prime Mover, is an infinite, eternal, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, personal, emotional, moral, spiritual, aesthetic, holy, just, loving, living Being (Henry Morris); the Holy God who sent his Son.

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