My Secret Prosperity Formula

9 Honor the LORD with your possessions,
And with the firstfruits of all your increase;
10 So your barns will be filled with plenty,
And your vats will overflow with new wine.

Proverbs 3:9-10

My dearly loved and amazing Grands!

Don’t be afraid of prosperity! But do be afraid to not tithe (giving at least 10% of your income to God’s work right off the top).

The way you handle your money shapes you, and you will never go wrong by generously giving God the first and the best of your income.

And another thing, don’t marry someone who does not enthusiastically support you in this. If you are going to fight with your spouse about money let it be about how you can be more generous!

Here’s my little formula for prosperity; I call it the 10-10-80 Rule.

It goes like this…

With every paycheck:

  • Give God the first ten percent.
  • Give yourself the next ten percent by putting it in an investment account – like your company’s retirement plan or an IRA – and then forget about it.
  • Live joyfully off the rest (80%).

Start this now, do it for the rest of your life and watch God bless you richly!

Love, Papa

The ONE THING: Don’t be afraid of prosperity, be afraid of not tithing.

A little hint.

If you really want to be in a position to make a difference as a giver and as an investor adjust your 10-10-80 plan.

Try going with the 11-11-78 plan and then in a year or so go with the 12-12-76 plan and then keep upping your giving and investing throughout your lives.

The results will be amazing.

Photo by Sam Field on Unsplash