Name Giving
“When you love someone, you say their name different. Like it’s safe inside your mouth.”
__Jodi Picoult
(Luke 1:57-66 | The Naming of John the Baptist)
My dear Ruby,
The response of the people when Elizabeth announced the name of her baby son caught my attention: “None of your relatives is called by this name.”
Now it just so happens that you are actually named for some important relatives in your family. “Ruby” was the name of your great grandmother on your dad’s side of the family and also the name of your great grandmother on mother’s side of the family (Nana’s mother). And Carolyn is your great grandmother on my side of the family (my mother).
Great women, these three, and you are honored to carry their names.
You must never forget where you ultimate identity lies.
There was another important question asked in today’s devotional text. In v. 66 the people asked: What then will this child be?
And Luke gives the context for asking this question: For the hand of the Lord was with him.
My dear Ruby, I am thrilled and honored that you are my granddaughter. I cherish you and all my VPGs. But my greatest desire for all six of you is not that you will get your sense of identity from being a member of my family, but for being a member of God’s family.
In my earliest memories of my dear sweet mother, I remember her instilling in me that I had a special call on my life. Matter of fact, she had prayed for me to not be born alive if I was not going to serve God. In light of eternity and the only two choice we have beyond the grave, that is not an unreasonable prayer.
I remember vividly the night you were born and remembered my mother’s words over me and I prayed them over you. And here you are, alive and well. I believe it is because you are destined to serve God and do great things in His name.
It remains to be seen what those great things will be. But remember this, greater than your identity as a Bennett/Kemp, the fact that the hand of God is upon you is what matters most.
Get your sense of identity from being a Christian (a Christ-follower). Honor your parents and the rich legacy that you were blessed to be born into, but above all, honor God.
Love, Papa
Prayer: Father God, I think you for the rich Christian heritage of my family and I pray that it will continue with the generation of my grandchildren. May they all serve you with honor and pass the faith on to their children.
Ruby, years before you were born, Nana and I claimed Isaiah 59:21 as our promise and prayer for our children and grandchildren. We hold on to it to this day.
From Fort Mill to Mauldin, from Mauldin to Bismarck and throughout the Dakotas and Montana and now throughout Illinois and many other places, where we minister, when it comes time to worship in giving we always write on the tithe envelope “Isaiah 59:21”. This is our way to lift our family up to God and remind Him that more than anything we want our family’s ultimate identity to come from Him. And that includes you!
“As for Me,” says the LORD, “this is My covenant with them: My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendants’ descendants,” says the LORD, “from this time and forevermore.”
Isaiah 59:21