Neil’s Notes 2011-01-20 23:32:00

The three M's that create both wonder and worry in my life. As the father of two absolutely fantastic daughters, one of which now lives 16 hours from me, I love the moments I have with my girls. Our oldest daughter was an only child until she was almost 8 years old, we've done a lot of things, been a lot of places, and seen a lot of things together. The arrival of a little sister changed everything, I also have to admit that during the early years of our second daughter I was so busy doing the work of the Lord...sitting at the office, or off preaching some where, that I missed some of the baby's early stuff and too many of the eldest important moments. Over the years I've not only regretted it, but apologized for it and determined not to do it again.
Our lives changed last year when we shipped our oldest daughter off to Florida to attend school. Not only was it the hardest thing we've ever done, it changed the dynamics of my relationship with my little one. I now take her to school, pick her up, and spend a few hours after school with her as we await her mothers arrival home from work. It's been an exciting journey, words can't explain the feeling I get when I see her coming around the corner, when she puts her hand in mine as we walk, and as she begins to tell me about her day.
Last Spring I had the opportunity for the two of us to go to Williamsburg, VA to check out the historical sites and to visit Busch Gardens. It was absolutely amazing!
Life is about special moments that create memories that become the momentum for progressing. These times in our lives, whether they be with a child, a spouse, a friend, or even in our spiritual walk, become catalyst, the propel us into new adventures and often, new seasons of our lives.
I miss my older daughter Kaitlin, I check her Face Book daily, usually just to see her face, look forward to her calls or a text, love it when she calls me Daddy...it's Dad normally, and especially when she's aggravated at me. But I remember bringing her home, picking her up from her first day of kindergarten, her first flight, her high school graduation, and now am making new memories with her...we go to Starbucks, drink coffee together, laugh and realize how much alike we are, she doesn't hold my hand...but she does hold my heart!
Last year I had a reality check, I had a heart attack and almost died...life means quite a bit more to me today and I am determined to live largely, to not miss the moments, to make memories, and to ride the wave of momentum as we venture into new places in life!