New Affirmations
I pray that this blog entry finds things going well with you. As for Team Kemp, things have been pretty exciting. My fourth grandchild has made his entry into the world – Rory Edward Bennett, and he is beautiful and healthy and his mother is doing well…I am so very thankful.
Today I am sharing with you seven new affirmations/reflection questions that I have added to my affirmation list. I offer them as possible affirmations for you to add to your list. If you have not added to your daily devotional life a list of regular affirmations and reflection questions that you review regularly then I’d suggest that you start with these.
Here goes…
Guarding My Thinking:
From: A Leaders Heart: 365-Day Devotional Journal, John C. Maxwell (October 18th devotional)
1) FIRST: I must guard my thoughts for they determine my character.
2) SECOND: I must guard my thoughts for they may break into words at any time.
3) THIRD: I must not waste my thoughts on those who don’t hunger for them.
- Proverbs 23:23 (NKJV) Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding.
4) FOURTH: I must never forget that the first person I must lead is me and mastering my mind will determine whether I succeed or not.
5) FIFTH: I must not allow my mind to drift away from God’s truth and into vain envy.
- Two of the most important words in this affirmation are “drift” and “God’s truth.” When you allow your mind to drift
away from God and his word you lose perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). It is important to remember the process
for making wise decisions (W-I-S-E), especially the first question: “W – What does the Word of God have to say about the decision I am considering?”
6) SIXTH: I must stay confident that my vision will come to pass.
- Mark 9:23 (NKJV) Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”
- Success requires that you must expect things to work out favorably. That is the premise that you must begin any
project with and then you must master your thinking so that that remains the premise. - As Jesus put it (Mark 9:23), you can take positive action about anything if my thinking is right.
7) SEVENTH: I must discipline my thoughts to remain steadfast in what I know is right.
- This is why it is so important to write and reflect. Great thoughts may run through a person’s mind but if they never take the time to write them down, perfect them and go back to them then they might as well be a jellyfish – just floating through life going with whatever the tide of opinion and events may wash into their lives.