I have just completed a brand new DVD that gives adescriptive breakdown on the responsibilities of the LMR (local church missionsrepresentative).
The purpose of the video is to inform the LMR on how toorganize and develop a missions program for the church you represent. It can beshared with your missions committee to advise them on how to plan your missionsprogram and how to work together to encourage your congregation’s involvement in the Great Commission.
The DVD contains information about Church of God WorldMissions and offers assistance in choosing missionaries, missions projects andorphanages to support.
Included in the video are some of the highlights of the 2011LMR Rally and Celebration.
This LMR video will be sent to all new LMRs in their LMRwelcome packet. If you are currently an LMR and would like to have one of theDVDs, please e-mail [email protected] orcall 1-800-345-7492, ext. 7366.