Not For Sale Campaign Against Modern Slavery
Not For Sale is a national campaign whose mission is to educate and mobilize others to re-abolish modern slavery. According to the campaign, there are more than 27 million slaves in the world today many of which are trafficking victims in the United States. Check out Not For Sale’s official website to find resources about the fight against this global issue. Heidi Heredia is my daughter. She has completed three schools with YWAM-Youth with a Mission. One of the schools Children at Risk opened her eyes to a ministry that she would like to be involved in. God seems to be saying go to India. She is very knowledgable in the sex trafficking trade and that is where her heart is right now. She has been in Thailand, Rwanda and Moszambique working with children. Please get back with us and let us know if you can use her. She has her own support group of people. We look forward to hearing from you. Margaret Heredia