Open Thread: What would you tell them

Posted on January 23, 2008 by travjohnson
In about a month, some of us will be heading to Cleveland for Engage 21. There will be panels and some discussion. Im not sure how much discussion there will be or what the format will allow. But, Id like to give you the opportunity to ask some questions whether you consider yourself an emerging or a missional leader or not.
When it comes to engaging ministry contextually for the mission of Jesus Christ, what would you like to ask or say
Filed under: church of god, conference, emerging church, missional church |
I stumbled on this randomly while watching this video of Bryan Cutshall dancing at the Alabama Prayer Conference (thanks to Larry Wiley for the link on Actscelerate). If you can read phone number, call in to register.
Filed under: church of god, emerging church, missional church | 1 Comment »

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