OpenAI Disbands Safety Team That Was Put In Place So Artificial Intelligence Would Have Safeguards In Mad Rush To Bring About The Singularity

OpenAI Disbands Safety Team That Was Put In Place So Artificial Intelligence Would Have Safeguards In Mad Rush To Bring About The Singularity

OpenAI on Friday confirmed that it has disbanded a team devoted to mitigating the long-term dangers of super-smart artificial intelligence.

The changes are happening so fast now that you might not even be aware that you are living in a science fiction futuristic movie where AI computer technology catches up with every day human life, beginning the process of taking over everything on every level. Your King James Bible has long shown you end times technology, you just didn’t know what it was when you read it. Now you do.

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” Revelation 13:15 (KJB)

We live in the southernmost state in America, in the country, surrounded by bucolic views of gorgeous farmland with scenes that likely have not changed much in a century. Life appears to move slower down here, yet it does not. Everyday I get in my car to drive to work, up to 30 different microchips spring into action to allow the smooth-running of my Jeep. I go to make a phone call while I ride, but first must pass the facial recognition shield protecting my mobile device. Far overhead, a ring of thousands of satellites are circling the Earth, constantly monitoring activity far below. It is at that moment it hits me again that we are living in very modern times, in fact, living in the future that writers, artists and filmmakers said would one day arrive. It is here. Headlines announcing Air Force pilots encountering UFOs barely get a notice anymore, everyone knows ‘they’ are here now, it’s become commonplace. We are the generation that sees the merging of man and machine, but we are also the generation that boards Flight #777 on Titus213 Airlines. That’s what time it is.

OpenAI disbands team devoted to artificial intelligence risks

FROM YAHOO! TECH NEWS: OpenAI weeks ago began dissolving the so-called “superalignment” group, integrating members into other projects and research, according to the San Francisco-based firm. Company co-founder Ilya Sutskever and team co-leader Jan Leike announced their departures from the ChatGPT-maker this week.

The dismantling of an OpenAI team focused on keeping sophisticated artificial intelligence under control comes as such technology faces increased scrutiny from regulators and fears mount regarding its dangers.

“OpenAI must become a safety-first AGI (artificial general intelligence) company,” Leike wrote Friday in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

Leike called on all OpenAI employees to “act with the gravitas” warranted by what they are building. OpenAI chief executive Sam Altman responded to Leike’s post with one of his own, thanking him for his work at the company and saying he was sad to see Leike leave.

“He’s right we have a lot more to do,” Altman said. “We are committed to doing it.”

Altman promised more on the topic in the coming days. Sutskever said on X that he was leaving after almost a decade at OpenAI, whose “trajectory has been nothing short of miraculous.”

“I’m confident that OpenAI will build AGI that is both safe and beneficial,” he added, referring to computer technology that seeks to perform as well as — or better than — human cognition.

Sutskever, OpenAI’s chief scientist, sat on the board that voted to remove fellow chief executive Altman in November last year.

The ousting threw the San Francisco-based startup into a tumult, with the OpenAI board hiring Altman back a few days later after staff and investors rebelled. OpenAI early this week released a higher-performing and even more human-like version of the artificial intelligence technology that underpins ChatGPT, making it free to all users.

“It feels like AI from the movies,” Altman said in a blog post.

Altman has previously pointed to the Scarlett Johansson character in the movie “Her,” where she voices an AI-based virtual assistant dating a man, as an inspiration for where he would like AI interactions to go.

The day will come when “digital brains will become as good and even better than our own,” Sutskever said during a talk at a TED AI summit in San Francisco late last year. “AGI will have a dramatic impact on every area of life.” READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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