Others…there is a reason! http://goo.gl/fb/mRIVD #ourCOG ourCOG April 7, 2011 4:08 am #ourCOG 0 Others…there is a reason! http://goo.gl/fb/mRIVD #ourCOG Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts Our choir is staging now, we will perform around 8. Check it out at WWW.leeunivsersity.edu #TeenTalent2011 #OurCOG @Cog_Swagger @dasjr hey, we know who you are and we know where you live and we are coming over ‘cuz we’re hungry… #ourCOG too humble not to help http://goo.gl/fb/pbMhG #ourCOG http://goo.gl/fb/tcEnS #ourCOG Preaching today on Rev. 1:12 You must TURN from your ways if you want to SEE GOD http… http://goo.gl/fb/Q0on1 #ourCOG