This just in...
The Spirit, Indigenous Peoples And Social Change Māori And A Pentecostal Theology Of Social Engagement, By Michael J. Frost
134 Book Reviews Michael J. Frost,The Spirit, Indigenous Peoples and Social Change: Māori and a Pen- tecostal Theology of Social Engagement (Leiden,NE: Brill, 2018).... »
What is the order of events of Nahum and Jonah?
I was reading the book of Nahum and it was speaking about Nineveh. Is the book of Nahum foretelling the destruction of Nineveh, for which the people of Nineveh averted by repenting of the... »
Strongholds Used Against Us :: By Nathele Graham
Bad choices can easily grow into bad habits. Bad habits then become a stronghold. In a war, a stronghold is a fortress where weapons are stored. They can be a good thing if the stronghold is your arse... »
Haggai 2:21-23 fulfilled, failed or a future event?
Did this take place during Zerubabbel's life or is there a future Zerubbabel character? 21 “Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I am about to shake the heavens and the earth,... »
South Georgia Dedicates Rebuilt Tabernacle
South Georgia Dedicates Rebuilt Tabernacle ... »
No More Sunshine on Our Shoulders? :: By Dave Hubley
(There is a special message at the end of this article for those who might happen to read this and do not have Jesus in their life and are looking for peace and a way to better understand the present-... »
Daniel: Revealer of Secrets, Part 2 :: By Paul J. Scharf
In the last installment, I introduced you to my friend from ancient Babylon, the prophet Daniel. I commented on some of the overarching themes of his book in the attempt to demonstrate its significanc... »
Why didn’t the soldiers probe him after the first malefactor?
So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the two men who had been crucified[cs] with Jesus,[ct] first the one and then the other.[cu]. But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was a... »
What does it mean that “Scripture interprets Scripture”?
Within the field of hermeneutics there is an established principle "Scripture interprets Scripture", which is used by some as a key rule for interpretation. What does this rule me... »
A Momma’s Prayer Saved Her Soldier Son | Perry Stone
This is a stunning true story! Momma’s prayers can save your life! #perrystone #mannafest #prophecy Perry Stone or anyone from our ministry will never comment on YouTube asking for money. If you... »
In A Stunning Move, Israel Unleashes Relentless And Blistering Overnight Airstrikes On All Syrian Military Installations Rendering Them Effectively Neutered
Israel pounded Syrian army bases on Tuesday in strikes it says aim to keep weapons from falling into hostile hands, but denied its forces had advanced into Syria beyond a buffer zone at the border. Ov... »