This just in...
Inside of my church
Библията Тв, here’s the inside of my church. I know you were curious. »
Why God created us if we were going to hell?
My question is why would God create us if he knows if we are going to hell already. My supposition is that calvanism and... »
When did Pentecostal became a denomination?
When did Pentecostal became a denomination? »
Should Christians eat #GMO foods?
Should Christians eat #GMO foods? Tom Steele recent dietary post bid the question at hand. Before we question eating created by God pork and... »
Everyone’s “go to” commentary
I would like to know what everyone’s “go to” commentary is to accompany their study, sermon preparation, etc. I have a few, but I... »
How is it that some Bibles have errors?
This brings up another question, How is it that some Bible do have errors in it. This brings up another question, How is... »
God’s Law does not put you in bondage
God’s Law does not put you in bondage to arbitrary rules and regulations. God has no need to prove His authority over you, He... »
Lee University Student Snags ‘Most Important Person Ever
Lee University Student Snags ‘Most Important Person To Ever Be On’ The Voice »
Where did them biggens come from or what exactly is a #NEPHILIM ?
Where did them biggens come from or what exactly is a #NEPHILIM ? The Bible says very clearly in The Ryrie Study Bible Genesis... »