This just in...
“Know that the LORD, HE IS GOD! It is HE WHO MADE US, and WE ARE HIS; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.” (Psa. 100:3) [We belong to our Abba Father, he formed us and breathe... »
#Pentecostal #Theology in #China
Many readers may be puzzled by the term, Pentecostal theology, and all the more by discussions of its impact on the Chinese church. Isn’t Pentecostal theology an oxymoron? I would suggest that i... »
Lester Sumrall: Let’s pray for the families of these martyrs for Christ!
Post by Lester Sumrall. Got Pentecost? Help us reach millions around the world 1. Join the Pentecostal Theology group in Facebook here 2. Post your thoughts, paper, sermon or video in the group 3. You... »
Ash Wednesday: Why Observe It?
What is Ash Wednesday? What is Ash Wednesday? For most of my life, I didn’t ask this question, nor did I care about the... »
Spirit of Ahab
Lust of the Flesh Seeks to destroy the God ordained authority and responsibility of the Home and the Church And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord above all that were before him. A... »
Both yesterday and today I responded to the Calvinist/Arminian
Both yesterday and today I responded to the Calvinist/Arminian debate on another site by noting that a popular radio speaker told his congregation that not only was it impossible to lose your salvatio... »
My #Pentecostal peeps know what’s up
Post by Daniel Rushing. »
One of the most destructive things to the Church
One of the most destructive things to the Church is the confession and profession of Scripture verses, taken out of context, formulated into doctrine, and applied broadly and deductively, even by the ... »
I woke up this morning with ANOTHER beautiful and very powerful song in my heart this morning so again, I’m going to bless you with this! The joy of the LORD is my strength Oh, the joy of the LO... »
Exorcist Deliverance Team on Fifty Shades of Gray
-To spell it out for a morally challenged culture, I interviewed Fr. Patrick, an exorcist, along with three members of his deliverance team about The Fifty Shades of Grey phenomenon demonstrates ... »
Franklin Graham Slams Obama
Franklin Graham, President and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, recently issued a strong response to implications President Obama made regarding Christianity during the 64th National ... »
Faith Matters, Episode 20 | God Will Have the Last Word
As disciples of Christ, we are in a battle. But have we become battle-weary? Are we giving up the fight for a transforming Gospel in exchange for a religion that simply engages the mind with principle... »