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Petree Releases CD
SONGS FROM THE HEART.. could be the theme of Dr. Daryl Petree’s latest CD. After being off the road for nearly a year and a half he began to wonder if he would ever be able to return to the evan... »
Jack Hayford: Developing Christlike Character
Jack Hayford, founding pastor at The Church On The Way in Van Nuys, Calif. and the founder and chancellor of The King’s College and Seminary, is known for his keen insights on living for Jesus Christ.... »
Back-to-School Outreach Ministers to Hundreds in Knoxville, Tenn.
The recent Back to School Outreach Day at the Freedom House Church of God in Knoxville, Tennessee proved to be one of great harvest and ministry. Over 5OO bags of school supplies were given away to ne... »
Christians Cry Out to God in Charlotte, NC, Ahead of DNC
Christians all over the country are realizing how important the upcoming presidential elections are to the fate of our country, and are gathering together for prayer and fasting. Several rallies have ... »
Chicago Pastor Wins Three Year Battle to Uphold His Freedom to Speak in Public
The First Amendment’s freedom to speak in public has been the most foundational freedom for Americans since the founding of the nation. Many have benefited from this freedom such as Dr. Martin L... »
Twelve Common Mistakes Young Pastors and Leaders Make
Having started in full-time ministry at the age of 22 and pioneering a local congregation at the age of 25, much of this article comes from the “school of hard knocks.” Either I have made each of the ... »
Hayford, Williams Highlight ‘Being Pentecostal’ Event
A two-day seminar is being held September 17-18, 2012, at the New Hope Church in Kodak, Tennessee. The presentational and interactive dialogue between two notable Pentecostal leaders is free to anyone... »
LeeU Chapel • Welcome Back Fall 2012
Lee University First Chapel Fall 2012. Dr. Paul Conn addresses the student body for the first time in the 2012-2013 academic year. »
Walking the Tightrope of Prayer
There’s a Scripture that has sunk deep into my heart this week, filtering through my thoughts by the minute, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world.” This... »
World Missions ‘Thank You Tour’ Begins Sunday
General Director of Church of God World Missions Dr. Tim Hill is announcing the 2012 World Missions “Thank You Tour” to begin this Sunday, September 2. “After reviewing only the past... »
The DNA Blessing That Creates Wealth
Perry Stone and guest Walter Hallam. »